Welcome to Sithia

Catharine Ariel Nor'daca

Catarina Corvino

Welcome to Sithia!

After inheriting the management of our domain, I have decided to share our empire's history!  I will be adding various snippets as time goes by, to inform those who wish to know, and to provide contact information for those that wish to find us.

What is Sithia?

Catharine Ariel Nor'daca

Catarina Corvino

The Galaxy's Largest Beach

Sithia is a desert planet, with five artificially-created lakes, four surrounding the city and starport, with the final one centrally located.  The Imperial Palace sits in the middle of the central lake, using the water as protection from the predatory insects and assassins from political rivals of the Imperial Family.

The current emperor of Sithia is Emperor Ketin Valye'len Nor'daca.  The Crown Prince and Imperial Princess disappeared during a military operation to assist a science station within the Terra system.  The fleet that arrived was sabotaged, many of the crew died, and the ships were hidden until there would be technology available to repair them.

The rest of the fleets have been in hiding, as the Empire has been taken over by rebels.  Sithia itself has been locked down under a stasis field, and many of the peripheral worlds are struggling.  Emperor Ketin disappeared searching for his children, and the fleets have secreted away to the ralley point until the Crown Prince gives the order to return.

Why Sithia?

Catharine Ariel Nor'daca

Catarina Corvino

Depends on context.

Why do we mention Sithia?  It is our home.  We are awaiting our chance to return.

Why are we from Sithia?  Well, the science station was on a planet that is now an asteroid belt between what Terrans call Mars and Jupiter.  The fleet is awaiting the chance to return home, though Earth is now our second home.

Sithia is our home.  It has been around 35,000 years since we last set eyes upon her.  Please understand that we simply miss the only home we'd had for around 35,000 years to begin with.

Yes, we are old.  But not in body, only in soul.